Balancing Scales
Act 1 - Penny balance from Timon Piccini on Vimeo.
- Student views visual and solves.
- Student develops visual from words and solves.
- Student views equation, develops visual (if necessary), and solve.
To see a copy of what this looks like just click on the link below.

one_step_equations_-_addition.docx |
To really hammer home the connection between them we play lots and lots of Algebranary!
- When kids can do it in their head, they feel no need to draw anything; when the numbers are too large drawing is cumbersome, and inefficient (the necessary breaking of visual models to get to the abstract I guess).
- Visually subtraction is impossible (very hard?) to show in a static image, so in my slides you will see I resort to number lines (I save the visual of that for last), since students will have a hard time drawing on their own.
- Though students are able to UNDERSTAND the steps of solving equations, this set up does not create the desire FOR algebraic knowledge like some of the awesome projects we often see on the blogosphere.
It is not perfect, but this has all been incredibly valuable for student understanding the basics of solving linear equations.
Moving Further
The Goods | |

linear_equations_with_pennies.pptx |